Application Security

Secure software planning, development and operation.


Creating a Risk Profile

  • Defining potential security risks of an app.
  • Categorizing security risks by the severity level, considering their impact and likelihood.

Eliciting Security Requirements

  • Analyzing the app’s risk profile and defining applicable security standards.
  • Documenting the relevant security requirements for the app.

Threat Modeling

  • Analyzing the functional components and determining the threats that may face.
  • Planning the security controls and countermeasures for potential attacks.

Secure Application Design

  • Designing secure software architecture.
  • Planning the security features.

Establishing Secure Development Environment

  • Reviewing the existing secure development policies.
  • Establishing secure development infrastructure


Depending on your app’s specifics and the chosen service scope, we can help secure


Web Applications

  • Planning, assessing, and improving fundamental security controls.
  • Installing the latest security patches for platform-based apps.
  • Performing API security testing.

Mobile Applications

Incorporating best security practices advised by mobile OS providers: for iOS and for Android. Read more on


Cloud Applications

  • Enabling client-side data encryption to ensure the security of data as it's transferred to the cloud storage.
  • Configuring identity and access management.
  • Configuring real-time log management and analysis.

IoT Applications

Setting up secure data transmission between IoT devices and data processing systems.

Porawat Chimcherdsin
Chief Executive Officer
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02 278 1259

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